Images of the Clam’s 2007 Reunion. Conway NH
January 10th, 2008

December 6th, 2007
(663.5847) Schneider/Froggatt”>
(663.5847) Schneider/Froggatt”>WORLD NUCLEAR INDUSTRY STATUS REPORT 2007
Fifteen years ago, the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, WISE-PParis and Greenpeace International published the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 1992. This was then subsequently updated in 2004 by two of the original authors. The November 2007 update of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report (commissioned by the Greens-EEFA Group in the European Parliament) provides an entirely updated and slightly modified version of the 2004 report. This report aims to provide a solid basis for analysis into the prospects for the nuclear power industry. The report can be downloaded at Schneider/Froggatt”>
– At the end of October 2007, there are 339 reactors operating in the world–one less than at the moment of the release of the 2004 version of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report and five units less than at the historical peak in 2002–which total 371.7 GW of capacity. The installed capacity has increased faster
Nuclear Power Hinders Progress on Climate Change
November 8th, 2007
Nuclear Power Hinders Progress on Climate ChangeNuclear power cannot address climate change. Greenhouse gases are emitted throughout the nuclear fuel chain, from the mining of the necessary fuel - uranium - to its enrichment, transportation and the construction of nuclear plants. Nuclear plants take too long to build - up to a dozen years or more. The planet is already in crisis with experts pointing to rapid climate change already underway and less than ten years left to pre-empt disaster. There is no time to wait for nuclear plant construction.
Insurmontable Risks
October 4th, 2007
“Before buying into the idea that nuclear energy is going to save us from global climate change because of its theoretical potential for low carbon dioxide emissions, read this book. And then work for the alternatives.’ – Arjun Makhijani, President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research”
Grace Paley
September 18th, 2007

Grace Paley: a woman for life on earth

This is an on-going page of remembrance, discussion and celebration of Grace Paley, who succumbed to cancer on August 22, 2007 at the age of 84. We honor her and think of her family’s loss.
Grace was a co-founder of the first Women and Life on Earth in 1979. Among her many contributions were the drafting of the original WLOE Unity Statement and the Women’s Pentagon Action Statement in 1980. In 1998 she encouraged the founding of this internet project, and continued to be an inspiration and supporter.
In 2005 she was one of the 1000 women nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her life of peacework on many levels.
Photo taken at “Wall Street Action” NYC
October 29, 1979.
John Gofman’s Nuclear Courage
September 18th, 2007

John Gofman’s Nuclear Courage
Joseph J. ManganoFri Sep 14, 3:11 PM ET
The Nation — The life of eminent nuclear scientist and physician John Gofman ended last month just short of age 89. The New York Times obituary recounted his scientific résumé but ignored the backlash he faced from industry and government, simply describing him as a “nuclear gadfly.” Gofman should be remembered for his brilliance and integrity, which are critical factors in the current debate over the future of nuclear power.
The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership
July 6th, 2007
The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership
The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) is the Bush Administration’s plan for expanding the nuclear power industry in the U.S. and around the globe. If President Bush’s plan works as advertised, it would reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, improve the environment by reducing CO2 emissions, encourage clean development around the world and reduce the risk of nuclear proliferation.
Residual Risk
June 21st, 2007
An Account of Events in Nuclear Power Plants since the Chernobyl Accident in 1986
Residual Risk- The Report.
– open PDF by clicking title
How Creative Mass Non-Violence Beat a Nuke
June 14th, 2007
How Creative Mass Non-Violence Beat a Nuke and Launched The Global Green Power Movement
by Harvey Wasserman, photographs by Lionel Delevingne. Published on Sunday, May 13, 2007
Thirty years ago this month, in the small seacoast town of Seabrook, New Hampshire, a force of mass non-violent green advocacy collided with the nuke establishment. A definitive victory over corporate power was won. And the global grassroots “No Nukes” movement emerged as one of the most important and effective in human history.
To read the whole article, view the photographs click this blue link:
Seabook Revisited
June 14th, 2007
30 years after the pivotal anti-nuke protest, the debate goes on
by Karl Meyer, published in Hampshire Life, 6/8/07 (Daily Hampshire Gazette, Northampton, MA)
On the morning of Saturday, April 30, 1977, 2,000 protesters from across New England converged on a salt marsh in Seabrook, N. H. The previous summer the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission had approved a permit for twin reactors to be built on coastal flats along the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border and anti-nuclear opponents began meeting to plan their response.